Background Testing –HtmlunitDrive
What is Headless testing/Headless browser in Automation?
A browser, which does not have any GUI it means which runs in background. If you run your programs in Firefox, Chrome, IE and different browser then you can see how the browser is behaving but in headless browsers, you cannot.
Advantage and Disadvantage of headless browsers or Why should I use this?
-One of the most important advantage is Performance.
1-When we run your test case using headless browsers then you will get result just in seconds, you will see the result in below program.
2-When we have to run test case to create some sample test data or just you have to verify some messages and functionality then you can should try headless browsers.
3- When we have to run test case in remote machine or server, which does not have any browser, but still you have to execute test case then you can try with headless browsers again.
2. Importing Java docs to eclipse
3. Working with Radio button and Check box
. Xpath 5. Captcha Automation
6. Implicit, Explicit wait and fluent wait
Thread.sleep()- It is a java method which is generally used to overcome the synchronization problem. The disadvantage of Thread.sleep() is that it's simply stop the execution of the program for the specified duration irrespective of whether the page load slowly or quickly. This can be overcome using two different wait statements
1.Implicit Wait 2.Explicit Wait
Implicit Wait:
1. During Implicit wait if the Web Driver cannot find it immediately because of its availability, The WebDriver will wait for mentioned time and it will not try to find the element again during the specified time period.
2. Once the specified time is over, it will try to search the element once again the last time before throwing exception.
3. The default setting is zero.
4. Once we set a time, the Web Driver waits for the period of the WebDriver object instance.
.7 Working on frames
8. Dragging and Dropping an element
9. Double Click on an element
10. Working with ajax component
11. Cookies Testing
12. Web Table testing
13. Pick up a date from calendar webtable
14. Click on all elements in a drop down and save into an excel file
15. To read data from dynamic webtable and store it into an excel file
16. Frameworks
17. Automating Window Component - AutoIT
18. Download file using AutoIT
19. Upload file using AutoIT
20. TestNG
21. Grid
22. SVN,Git,Maven
23. Page Object Model (POM)
24. Log4j
25. Databsae testing
Last updated
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